Don’t forget to join our DA’s Face book group where you can view local Members comments and pictures and of course add your own, All you need is your Membership number to join
The Isle of Wight Ferry’s are not the cheapest but by going through the Club a substantial discount can be achieved with Wightlink, this works both ways to and from the island even for a single car too, just be sure to have your Club Membership card with you incase you are asked for it at the terminal
Members traveling to or from the island, should be aware that Portsmouth is now operating a clean air zone, which takes in Wightlink’s Portsmouth terminal.
Members can find out if they will be charged for driving in this zone (and other zones) by visiting,
and putting in their registration number.
Charges and penalties apply to both inward and outward journeys, so if a Member’s vehicle does not comply, it might be better, if traveling with Wightlink, to use their Lymington terminal.
Some picture on this website, are with kind permission of :
For a wide range of insurance products, be sure to check out what the Club can offer at :
Car parks suitable / unsuitable for Motor Homes on the Isle of Wight
Click on the above where you can down load information on parking for your motorhome on the Island

Watch how to use the DA’s defibrillator, on You Tube training video